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Data-driven computational pipelines

Nextflow is a powerful and flexible workflow orchestration tool designed to simplify and scale the execution of complex data analysis pipelines. Nextflow allows researchers and engineers to automate computational workflows with ease, handling everything from local execution on a laptop to scaling across cloud platforms or high-performance computing clusters.

I’ve been heavily involved in the Nextflow community since I chose to switch to it at the SciLifeLab National Genomics Infrastructure, when it was clear that Cluster Flow couldn’t scale to the volume of samples that we were processing. Our work developing pipelines there became the foundation of the nf-core community and my involvement in Nextflow steadily grew.

I now work as the Product Manger for Open Source (including Nextflow) at Seqera. I’ve had a few small contributions to the project code, including the development of HTML reports and coloured terminal output. I work closely with the core developers, the user community, and contributors to ensure that Nextflow remains accessible, scalable, and adaptable to the changing needs of bioinformatics and beyond.

For more information, you can explore the Nextflow website and source code on GitHub.

Website built using Astro and TailwindCSS
See website source code