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SciLifeLab is a centre for life sciences in Sweden. It's a collaboration between four Swedish universities (Stockholm Univeristy, Karolinska Institute, KTH, Uppsala University).


May 2014 - May 2022


I worked at the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI), a technology platform at SciLifeLab offering genomics as a service to researchers across Sweden and abroad.

The NGI is a world-class centre and I was lucky to work with development of cutting edge library preparation, sequencing and bioinformatics methods during my time there.

Positions held

I worked at the NGI for eight years and held a range of different positions, working with bioinformatics, software engineering and management.

I worked witihn the Genomics Applications Development facility in Stockholm. The group develops and scales up new computation analyses and lab protocols for next-generation sequencing data in collaboration with users across Sweden.

Team Leader: Bioinformatics development
Jul 2019 - Apr 2022

Team leader for bioinformatics development at the NGI, a new position and team. We developed exciting new tools and techniques for the processing and analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Head of Facility
Oct 2017 - Jul 2019

I managed a team of 8-12 people and was responsible for recruitment, strategy and direction - both in the lab and in data analysis. I was heavily involved in the running of the larger NGI infrastructure, co-writing grants and reports.

Deputy Head of Facility
Jan 2016 - Oct 2017

Bioinformatician and systems developer. As deputy head of facility, I helped the head of the facility in running the group when they were busy or unavailable.

May 2014 - Jan 2016

I am developed new analysis techniques and pipelines for next-generation sequencing data, as well as doing custom analysis in collaboration with users.

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