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Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop 2024

Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop 2024

From Bench to Big Data: What's new with MultiQC and Nextflow

Invited speaker Keynote Speaker 2024-11-05 Uppsala

Invited to give a talk as a keynote speaker at the annual SBW event. I’ve attended most SBW events since joining SciLifeLab and they’re great fun - organised by PhD students and early career researchers with a location that rotates through different Swedish academic sites. In 2024 it was held at SLU in Uppsala and was bigger and better than ever!


As the author of MultiQC, co-founder of the nf-core community, and now product manager for Nextflow, Phil Ewels has witnessed firsthand the evolution of bioinformatics from small-scale experiments to the handling of vast, complex datasets. In this talk, he will explore the latest advances in these two essential tools that have become cornerstones of modern bioinformatics workflows. MultiQC is growing to provide more robust and flexible quality control reporting than ever, ensuring it continues to meet the growing demands of big data analysis. Meanwhile, Nextflow is undergoing significant improvements to address some of the most highly requested features from the community, streamlining the developer experience and making it easier than ever to build and manage scalable, reproducible pipelines.

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